Monday, 15 October 2018

Green Day!

Welcome back.

In week 8 of term 3 PCS held it's first EVER Green Day.

This was an opportunity for students to learn more about sustainable practices, the environment and ways to help it. Students were asked to dress in green and bring a gold coin donation.
All money raised was donated to the Manukau Beautification Trust (an organisation that does great work in our area).
We are pleased to announce that we raised $640.00 for the trust which was an outstanding effort. A HUGE thank you to everyone who participated and contributed!

Here are some photos of some  super learning that took place on Green Day.

Children in room 13 learnt about recycling and caring for plants. They enjoyed creating their own planters out of recycled plastic bottles, decorating them and then planting their own special flower to take home and look after.

Room 2 learnt about rubbish and recycling. They even visited our school worm farm. They had a great time exploring how worms help our soil and what food items can be reused to feed worms.

Room 12 created their own ocean oil spills and were challenged to clean them up as best they could. They measured the reclaimed oil, as well as the volume of water in the containers, to work out how much they had cleaned up as a percentage. As they discovered, oil spills are very hard to clean up!

Room 8 made reusable bags out of old t-shirts. They even repurposed the sleeves to make other cool things!

Awesome job everyone!

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