Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Environment and Sustainability Group- End of Year Reflections


Joshua Ford (Room 6): I like being part of the Environment group because I like to learn how to plant.
Ocean Adams-Hobson (Room 6): I like to take care of the worms in the worm farm because they give us worm tea for our gardens.
Avani Naidu (Room 16): I like being in the Environment Group because I like taking care of planet Earth.
Ariana Tusini (Room 16): Its a great time to learn how to plant and take care of the worms in the worm farm.
Tyson Cook (Room 16): I like to be in the Environment group because I get the opportunity to plant vegetables and eat what I plant and also take care of the worms in the worm farm.
Risabh Rawal (Room 25): In the Environment group, we learn how to plant vegetables, feed the worms in the worm farm and learn lots about gardening.
Nidhi Prasad (Room 6): I like to take care of the worms because they help us make worm tea for our gardens.

Navara Ioane (Room 6): I like taking care of the worm farm because we get worm tea for our gardens.

Aishani  Kumar (Room 16): We get an opportunity to plant vegetables and learn about what to feed the worms in the worm farm.

Jason Situ (Room 16): I like taking care of the worms and watering the plants and also taking vegetables home to eat.

Anya Chand (Room 6): I like to learn how to plant.

Abdul Ridwan (Room 6): I have learnt how to plant vegetables and take care of them.

From the Environment and Sustainability Group

Monday, 7 November 2016


Some tips for creating a water wise garden
Water Smarter...not longer - It is recommended that you water more deeply but infrequently. 30 minutes 2-3
times a week will be enough. This encourages plants to develop deep root systems. Get to know your garden and find out exactly how much water it needs.

Water after dark - It’s better to water when the sun has gone down. During the day the ground heats up like a frying pan, evaporating most of the water. Water after dark when the ground is cooler and the water can soak in like a sponge.

Mulch much? - Mulch reduces evaporation, retains water and fertiliser, reduces weed growth and can make your garden look good. There are a number of different kinds of mulch you can use, each offering a slightly different benefit to your garden. Some of the different types include grass clippings, wood chips, hay, newspaper, river pebbles and rocks.

Don’t cut it too fine - The next time you cut your lawn, lift the blade setting a little higher. Longer grass keeps your lawn healthier and will also shade the root system. It reduces evaporation and the amount of water needed. Also watering your lawn twice a week for 30 minutes should be enough.

Use local talent – An easy and effective way to reduce water use in the garden is to use native plants instead of introduced species. Native plants use less water, look great and attract bird life. 

Sunday, 6 November 2016


Spring Special: Worm Tea
Reduced Price
$2.00 a bottle
3 for $5.00
Sales from the school Office