Friday, 17 June 2016

Worm Tea

We are very proud to have worm farms at our school and we work very hard to produce worm tea that is very nutritious for the plants. It helps the plants grow healthy. We are a group of amazing children who help Mrs Naidu look after the worm farms. Once a week we feed the worms yummy scraps from apples, bread, some paper and many more things and also collect worm tea. We have a very healthy collection of worm tea and now its time to bottle it up to sell. We plan to buy more seeds to plant in our school vegetable gardens. Here they are all ready for SALE!

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


Herbs in the Vegetable Garden
Some herbs are well suited to growing in the vegetable garden, where they can be harvested as needed and their self-seeding might even be welcome. Annual herbs like basil, coriander and dill are more convenient if they are near the vegetables they will be cooked with.

Where to Plant Your Herb Garden
Pick a sunny spot, but try to keep your herb garden near the kitchen, so you’ll be tempted to step outside and grab what you need while cooking. Of course, if you’re re growing herbs other than for culinary use or if you’re growing large batches of herbs to preserve or dry at the end of the season, kitchen proximity may not be a concern.

From Environment and Sustainability Group


We cooked some soup with vegetables that we picked from our school garden. We put green beans, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and some onions. We cooked it in a slow cooker and it was ready for us to eat at break 2 YUM YUM

Mmmmmmmmmm! Very healthy

We are the regular gardeners at PCS

Mr. White also got a chance to taste our lovely vegetable soup

It's still too  hot to eat so I'll wait for a little while- Ocean.